
S=(“complex systems” OR “systèmes complexes” OR “Network Dynamics” OR “Swarm Intelligence” OR “Multi Agent” OR “Complex Adaptive System*” OR “Morphogenesis” OR “Network Analysis” OR SNA OR “Agent Based” OR “Complex Network*” OR “Agent-Based” OR “Biological Networks” OR “Self Organiz*” OR “Self-Organiz*” OR “Self-Organis*” OR “Econophysics OR “sociophysics” OR “Social Networks “Collective Intelligence” OR “Evolutionary Computation” OR “Opinion Dynamics” OR “Pattern formation” OR “social simulation” OR “distributed systems” OR “distributed cognition” OR “far from equilibrium” OR multiagent OR “multi scale” OR multifractal OR multiscale OR “cell* automat*” OR “artificial societies” OR emergence OR “complexity science” OR autopoeisis OR “self assembly” OR “spatial netw*” OR “complex social system*” OR morphodynamics OR “socio-semantic network*” OR “interaction netw*” OR “nature-inspired computing” OR “open-ended evolution” OR “evolutionary robotics” OR “collective behavior” OR hypernetw* OR “nonequilibrium statistical physics”)

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